A unit of Kroxigor (also known as a Kroxigor Cohort to differentiate them from Warspawned) are the heavy laborers of the Seraphon. But in battle, they are a powerful force that can pummel armored enemies and obliterate hordes with ease. Their powerful attacks, 2" melee range, bonus hits against large units and three bite rolls per Kroxigor make them a formidable threat on the battlefield.
They are battleline in Koatl's Claw.
See the Kroxigor warscroll on Wahapedia.
Kroxigor Cohorts are meant to dish out damage. They are not as tough as Saurus Warriors, or have as many wounds per unit, but their potential to deal wound is significantly higher, especially against lightly armored enemy units with 10 or more models.
Their bite attacks deal mortal wounds, which is great because they ignore armor. In Starborne, the bites tend not to add much damage, but in Coalesced, with +1 to bite rolls (or +2 to bite rolls near the Realmshaper Engine), they can have a significant impact.
Kroxigor synergize very well with the spell Hoarfrost from the Lore of Primal Frost. This spell can give them a significant boost to their damage, and so is excellent to pair with them.
Kroxigor Cohorts have limited combat synergies in Starborne, but they have some significant mobility options. They are a legal target for the Starborne Skink spell Speed of Huanchi, which can affect non-monster SKINKS and KROXIGOR, which can let them move 10" between the bonus hero phase move and the movement phase move. If Kroxigor are teleported to 9" from an enemy unit, and then targeted with this spell, they can make an immediate move in the hero phase without any chance for an enemy redeploy. This lets them advance 5", and although the teleport prohibits a move in the movement phase, they now only need to make a 4" charge. Kroxigor are also more likely to be around skinks that can issue them commands in Starborne.
In Coalesced, the Kroxigor Cohorts are stronger and tougher. Coalesced Kroxigor benefit from Scaly Skin (-1 to enemy damage) and stronger bites, as well as +1 to wound rolls when charging in Koatl's Claw. And Coalesced armies have several synergies with KROXIGOR units as well, such as the Skink spell Heavenly Frenzy and the Saurus command trait Vengeful Defender, both of which help them with their limited speed. Sadly, Kroxigor are not legal targets for the Slann spell Empowered Celestite, to increase their rend, so they have to depend on Hoarfrost for that.
A reinforced Kroxigor Cohort of 6 Kroxigor is a true hammer, and a significant threat. They are known to wipe out large enemy hordes and can pack a punch against armor as well.
Against smaller threats, 6 Kroxigor can deal out so much damage as to be overkill, so if that is your intended target, multiple small units (MSU) of 3 Kroxigor may be more efficient. These small units can spread out in different directions and cause problems for chaff, support heroes and other units that are top-tier threats.
Units of 9 are possible in Koatl's Claw, where KROXIGOR are battleline. These large units aren't used often, but when they are, they are a big threat with 36 wounds. Although they are subject to the more strict coherency rules with 7+ models, their long weapon reach allows them to attack from the second row of the unit; but they do fall out of bite range.
Kroxigor Cohorts are armed with Drakebite Mauls, but you may upgrade the weapon of one in three Kroxigor to a Moonstone Hammer. With an improved To Hit and Damage characteristic on the Moonstone Hammer, and no downside, you should always bring as many Moonstone Hammers as you are allowed.
Bringing Moonstone Hammers does split the Weapon Profile into two, which means Hoarfrost will no longer be able to affect all of the attacks, but even so, a unit of Kroxigor with Moonstone Hammers nearly always outperforms a unit of Kroxigor without (the one exception being when the enemy has a 2+ save and the Kroxigor gain a -3 rend from Hoarfrost). Even though the Hammers split the weapon profile on Hoarfrost, it is still better to supply the Kroxigor with these excellent weapons.
Against enemy units with 10 or more models, a Kroxigor Cohort's Sweeping Blows ability kicks in. With either weapon, unmodified Hit rolls of 6 score two hits, doubling those attack's damage potential. With as many attacks as Kroxigor have, that can amount to significant additional damage.
Kroxigor don't have a unit champion and are not elite. That means the unit is unable to issue commands to itself. They are not alone in this limitation: it is shared by Terrawings, Spawns of Chotec, Bastiladons and Stegadons. But it is unusual for a unit of foot troops.
The Skink Guidance ability softens this limitation by allowing champions in units with the SKINK keyword to issue commands to the Kroxigor while the Kroxigor are wholly within 12" of the skinks. Our SKINK units that have unit champions include Skinks, Hunters of Huanchi, Raptadon Chargers and Hunters, Ripperdactyl Riders and Terradon Riders. Of course, HEROES and TOTEMS can still issue Kroxigor commands as usual.
The spell Hoarfrost from the Lore of Primal Frost deserves special attention in relation to Kroxigor Cohorts. Kroxigor Cohorts are deadly units, despite hitting on a 4+ with their most abundant weapon, the Drakebite Maul, and having just -1 rend. This means that there's lots of room for improvement from Hoarfrost, no matter what is rolled. But which weapon profile should Hoarfrost be applied to? And which characteristic is best to modify? It turns out the answer is pretty straightforward and consistent, with only a few considerations.
First, apply Hoarfrost's affect to the Drakebite Mauls. There are more attacks from them than the Moonstone Hammers, and there's a bigger improvement to the To Hit characteristic, so mathematically, it's always the better choice.
For the characteristic to modify, that depends on what value is rolled for Hoarfrost, and the armor save of the enemy unit. If the value you rolled is a 1 or a 2, always modify To Hit. If the value you rolled is a 3, you'll still want to modify To Hit against a 5+ or higher (worse) save, but choose Rend if the enemy save is 4+ or lower (better).
However, it should be noted that if you stack on other buffs to To Hit or Rend, the pattern may change a bit. For example, let's say you have a unit of Kroxigor that has no To Wound modifier (it is either not Koatl's Claw or has not charged), and you plan to attack a unit of 20 models with Hoarfrost and All-out Attack. You make your roll for Hoarfrost and get a 1. You can apply Hoarfrost to To Hit or To Wound (applying it to Rend would not change their -1 Rend). Because the unit will have +1 to Hit from All-out Attack, and a natural 1 is always a miss, your choice will look like this:
For most units, these two options are mathematically the same, but because Kroxigor Cohorts score 2 hits on 6 against units of 10 or more, you will probably end up rolling more Wound rolls then Hit rolls. So in this scenario, it's actually better to apply Hoarfrost to the To Wound characteristic. Though it only averages slightly less than 1 additional wound against low armor.
Bite rolls happen after the Kroxigor have finished their melee attacks, but before any slain enemy models are removed as a result of those attacks. This timing was clarified in the Official FAQ for Battletome: Seraphon.
The general consensus is that Kroxigor Cohorts are better and cheaper than Kroxigor Warspawned. But a thorough analysis of damage output has many variables, and is quite complex. Many factors influence the results, including the enemy's armor save, the size of the enemy unit, whether a skink died nearby and if and how Hoarfrost was applied. The faction (for bite modifier), sub-faction (for charge bonus) and most other buffs affect damage output, but don't alter the results of a Cohort/Warspawned comparison. So what are the results?
If we compare the Kroxigor without their unique bonuses (i.e., a Cohort against a small unit so Sweeping Blows isn't active against Warspawned without a skink death so Spawn of Sotek isn't active), the pattern is that they break even against a 3+ save, Warspawned have a small edge against a 2+ save and Cohorts have the edge against a 4+ and higher (worse) save, getting pretty significant against a 6+ save. This pattern holds true if Hoarfrost is used to provide a 2+ To Hit characteristic to the Drakebite Mauls or Drakefang War-picks, but giving them a -3 Rend with Hoarfrost puts the Cohorts ahead against all armor saves.
Against units with 10 or more models, a Kroxigor Cohort's Sweeping Blows kick in. In this case, Cohorts again do more damage than Warspawned against any armor save, with or without Hoarfrost. The Sweeping Blows ability is common, as it is always active against any unit that has 10+ models.
Kroxigor Warspawned gain an extra attack if a SKINK was slain within wholly within 12", as the Spawn of Sotek ability becomes active. This is difficult to control or count on, especially in Coalesced, where skinks are less common. But in the event that Spawn of Sotek is active, against an enemy unit that has fewer than 10 models, Warspawned pull way ahead. In this case, with or without Hoarfrost on any characteristic, Cohorts and Warspawned break even against 6+ or no save, but against 5+ or lower (better) armor, Warspawned outperform Cohorts. The better the armor, the bigger the advantage Warspawned have over Cohorts.
In the final scenario, where the enemy unit has 10 or more models and a skink was slain wholly within 12", so the Cohort's Sweeping Blows and the Warspawned's Spawn of Sotek are both active, the higher damage output once again depends on the enemy armor. In this case, Cohorts look better if the armor is 4+ or higher (worse) and Warspawned win out if the armor is 3+ or lower (better). Adding Hoarfrost for a 2+ To Hit characteristic favors Warspawned slightly, as now they do better against a 4+ armor save or lower (better). But Hoarfrost providing a -3 rend — or even a -2 rend — still favors Cohorts against all armor saves. But bear in mind that against light armor, improving To Hit with Hoarfrost will deal more damage than improving Rend, for both kinds of Kroxigor.
If you feel then answer isn't so clear, that's somewhat true. But a quick summary is that Kroxigor Cohorts outperform Warspawned, or are easier to buff to do so, in most situations in which a skink was not slain. Warspawned sometime do a little better against very high armor, but not much. If you can pull of the slain skink ahead of the Warspawned attack, they will often do better than Cohorts, especially against heavy armor, but this is difficult to do reliably and consistently from turn to turn. Which is why Cohorts are generally preferred.
But this analysis wouldn't be fair without mentioning one more ability that Kroxigor Warspawned have that Cohorts completely lack: Heavy-scaled Skin. Missile weapons always get a -1 to Wound against Warspawned, making them quite a bit more resistant to shooting, so it's easier to get them into attack range without being slain by ranged weapons.
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